Wednesday, October 31, 2007


SCI Cap, originally uploaded by wickenden.

My String Cheese Incident ski hat.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Another Favorite tye dye, originally uploaded by wickenden.

from the iSight cam on my iMac -- my favorite hat (now seemingly lost) and my favorite tie-die shirt (now obviously ripped to shreds) and my favorite green oxford. Oh, and my favorite (almost only) pair of glasses.

Oh, also, my favorite sweatshirt hanging on the hat rack.

My Arm and bracelet

My Arm and bracelet, originally uploaded by wickenden.

From several years ago, my sandalwood mala beads.

Red Sox Universe

Red Sox Universe, originally uploaded by Kirpernicus.

2007 Word Champions

Jason's Hat

Jason At Lunch

Jason sports a hat that sports a little plastic hat-hook.

Smiling in my hat

Smiling in my hat, originally uploaded by wickenden.

This is one of my best friends, Deano. He's wearing my hat and having a martini. Hat's go well with martini's.

Goo Goo Goo Joob

I am a hat man. I'm a bag man. I'm a beads and bracelets man.

That is all I managed to eke out of an idea I thought was something real. Ah, reality -- it's so problematic, what with viewpoints and all. Everyone who stands above it seems to be someone who wants to mess with your vision of what it means to be.

Conformity comes in many forms, and eventually things settle in ways one's younger self might not imagine. But, as an aesthetic -- not a moral for living or a truth revealed, it still breathes in me as a form of beauty I can't help seeing.